©Tomoko Nagai
G foundation collection Tokyo では、9月15日(日)よりコレクション展「長井朋子・休日のドローイング」を開催いたします。
当財団は、世界最大規模の長井朋子コレクションを保有しておりますが、その中から「休日のドローイング」を展示いたします。この作品は、東京オペラシティアートギャラリーproject Nで2008年に展示されたもので、30枚のドローイング群から構成される大型のインスタレーション作品となります。
G Foundation Collection Tokyo Announces Exhibition of Tomoko Nagai’s “Holiday Drawings”
G Foundation Collection Tokyo is thrilled to announce an upcoming exhibition showcasing the remarkable works of renowned artist Tomoko Nagai, opening on Sunday, September 15.
As home to one of the world’s most extensive collections of Tomoko Nagai’s works, the foundation is proud to feature “Holiday Drawings,” a captivating installation originally displayed at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery project N in 2008. The installation, comprising 30 intricately drawings, is a testament to Nagai’s unique artistic vision.
For this special exhibition, Tomoko Nagai has reimagined and reconstructed “Holiday Drawings” to seamlessly integrate with the exhibition space. Even those familiar with the original display will experience it in a fresh and new perspective.
Alongside this highly anticipated installation, the foundation will showcase a curated selection of exceptional pieces from our extensive collection.
In conjunction with our exhibition, the Tomio Koyama Gallery in Roppongi will also host a solo exhibition of Tomoko Nagai’s work. The solo exhibition opens on September 14, with our collection’s opening following on the 15th. These dates have been thoughtfully coordinated to allow international visitors to enjoy both exhibitions.
The opening day will feature a special talk session with Tomoko Nagai and our foundation’s representative, Mr. Oishi.
We warmly encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to visit our gallery and immerse yourself in the world of Tomoko Nagai.
G Foundation houses the world’s largest collection of works by renowned artist Tomoko Nagai, comprising 31 pieces, including 19 paintings, 10 drawings, and two large-scale installations.
The foundation’s deep connection with Tomoko Nagai’s work began in 2009 when Mr. Oishi, the foundation’s founder, made his first acquisition in contemporary art—a painting by Tomoko Nagai. This purchase marked the beginning of Mr. Oishi’s serious commitment to art collecting, a passion that has since grown into a collection of over 800 works. As Nagai’s work was the starting point of this journey, her collection holds special significance for both Mr. Oishi and the foundation.
The upcoming exhibition will feature the very first Tomoko Nagai piece that Mr. Oishi collected, titled “The Season That The World Gets Filled With Gold,” alongside other treasured works from the collection.
We invite you to explore this remarkable collection and witness the profound connection between the artist and our foundation.
G founddation collection #002 Tomoko Nagai’s “Holiday Drawings”
主催 G foundation
協力 KKAO株式会社、小山登美夫ギャラリー
2024/9/15(日)〜 12/22 (日) ※アポイントメント制です
G foundation collection Tokyo (東京都国立市西2丁目11−51)
- アポイントメント制です。事前に希望の日時、時間をご連絡ください。予定のつく限り、土日祝含め、時間帯なども柔軟に調整いたします。
- アポイントメントですが、下記QRのインスタグラムの連絡アカウント(@gfoundationtokyo) までにダイレクトメッセージで連絡してください(コメントは読みません、かならずダイレクトメッセージでお願いします)
- 9/15のオープニングはアポイントメント不要です。終日オープンいたします。

For your appointment, PM to this instagram account.
G founddation collection #002 長井朋子コレクション
Due to popular demand, the exhibition period has been extended.
2024/9/15(sun) to 2024/12/22(sun)
*appointment only
G foundation collection Tokyo (東京都国立市西2丁目11−51)
Free of charge
Opening hours
- The space is appointment only. Please contact us on previously.
- We will accommodate visits between 11:00 am and 5:30 pm on weekdays as well as Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays whenever possible.
- To make an appointment, please contact us via private message to our Instagram account. QR code is above. (@gfoundationtokyo).
G foundation collection Tokyo について
G foundationは、創設者の大石氏のコレクションを母体に700点以上の現代美術作品を収蔵する財団です。長らくのあいだ、コレクションは外に公開することがありませんでしたが、2021年の財団化をきっかけに、広くコレクションを公開していくこととなりました。
”G” foundation collection Tokyoは、東京都国立市に常設するコレクションスペースになります。およそ月に1回のペースで、財団のコレクションのなかからよりすぐりの作品を展示していく予定です。ゆくゆくは作家の新作展・企画展なども行う予定ですので、ご期待ください。

Follow the foundation main instagram to update latest information.
(Note: do not send a appointment to this account. This accout is infomative only. We will not reply from this account)